Zora Health

Understanding and Dealing with PCOS: Your Ultimate Guide


As a woman, looking after your overall health is crucial, and reproductive health plays a big part. But issues like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can make things complex. PCOS is quite common among women of reproductive age, yet it’s often tricky to manage due to its frustrating symptoms. If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or suspect you might have it because of irregular periods, excess facial hair, or trouble getting pregnant, this detailed guide is here to help. You don’t need to feel powerless against PCOS. Armed with the right information and strategies, you can live a happy, healthy life with minimal disruption. This guide to understanding and managing PCOS will take you through what PCOS is, how it’s diagnosed, the best treatment options available, and changes you can make to feel your best despite the diagnosis.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal issue among women in their reproductive years. If you have PCOS, it means your hormones are out of balance, and your ovaries might develop small cysts. PCOS can lead to irregular or missed periods, problems getting pregnant, weight gain, unwanted hair growth, and acne.

The exact reason for PCOS isn’t fully known. Doctors think it’s a mix of genetic and environmental factors. It often runs in families, and certain genes can make you more likely to have it. Having too much insulin in your body and gaining weight can also make PCOS symptoms worse.

Common Signs and Symptoms

As a woman managing PCOS, knowing about the symptoms and possible problems can help you handle the condition better. Here are some common things to watch for:

Unpredictable Periods: Irregular or missed periods are a clear sign of PCOS. This happens because ovulation is strange.

Weight Gain: Many women with PCOS find it tough to manage their weight, especially around the belly. This is linked to high insulin and androgen levels.

Unwanted Hair: Excess facial or body hair, called hirsutism, can be caused by too much androgen. It often pops up on the face, chest, belly, or thighs.

Battle with Acne: High androgen levels can lead to bad breakouts or make existing acne worse, particularly around your period.

Infertility: PCOS is a top reason for infertility in women. Trouble with ovulation messes up periods and makes getting pregnant harder.

Skin Changes: Some women develop patches of dark, velvety skin, usually around the neck, groin, or under the breasts. This is connected to insulin resistance.

Other Issues: PCOS can raise your chances of endometrial cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, liver issues, sleep apnea, anxiety, and depression. Taking care of PCOS means dealing with symptoms, lowering risks, and changing your lifestyle. The good news is that many of these problems can be tackled with weight loss, exercise, stress relief, and medicines if needed.

If you see a few of these signs in yourself, consult with your doctor. They can figure out if PCOS is the cause through exams, blood tests, and ultrasounds. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference in how you feel and prevent bigger issues down the line.

Diagnosing PCOS: Tests and Checks Medical History and Physical Checkup

Your doctor will review your medical history and give you a physical checkup to spot PCOS signs like odd periods, extra hair, or acne. They’ll measure your weight and blood pressure and examine your belly for larger ovaries. They might also use ultrasounds to take a closer look at your ovaries and uterus.

Blood Tests

Blood tests show hormone levels that might signal PCOS. High levels of androgens like testosterone often point to PCOS. They’ll also check your thyroid hormones, since thyroid issues can cause similar symptoms. Blood sugar, insulin, and cholesterol levels can also show if PCOS is at play.


Ultrasounds use sound waves to make images of your ovaries and uterus. Lots of small cysts on your ovaries, ovaries that are larger than usual, and a thickened uterus lining can all point to PCOS. Ultrasounds are handy to rule out other causes of odd periods and trouble getting pregnant, like ovarian tumors or uterine fibroids.

Other Tests

If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, extra tests might check your fallopian tubes and sperm quality. An endometrial biopsy looks at the lining of your uterus. The glucose tolerance test tells you how well your body handles sugar. Genetic tests can see if there are any gene changes linked to PCOS.

Getting a clear PCOS diagnosis requires a bunch of tests and checks to rule out other issues, measure hormone levels, look at your reproductive bits, and assess your health risks. Detecting PCOS early can lead to a plan to manage symptoms and lower risks before things get worse. The cool part is that lots of women have healthy pregnancies with the right care and treatment. Knowing the signs and tests for PCOS sets you up to get an exact diagnosis and partner with your doctor on a plan to improve your health and chances of having a baby.

Treatment Options and Changing Lifestyles for PCOS

Besides medical treatments, your lifestyle plays a starring role in tackling PCOS symptoms and staying healthy. Let’s explore the treatment plan:

Medical Treatment Plan

Balancing Hormones: Birth control pills are a go-to to get your periods on track and keep androgens in check. The classic combo pill with estrogen and progesterone takes center stage.

Insulin Helper: Metformin takes the spotlight to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar. It’s a heavyweight in promoting weight loss, regulating periods, and dropping testosterone.

Ovulation Boost: Clomiphene citrate steps up to stimulate ovulation, upping your chances of conception.

Fertility Fighters: Gonadotropins take the lead in tough cases, shooting up follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) to get those ovaries dancing.

Androgen Tamer: Spironolactone tackles excess hair and acne by blocking the effects of those pesky androgens.

Last Resort: If all else fails, ovarian surgery, like drilling, could be on the cards to trigger ovulation.

Lifestyle Plan

Weight Winner: Shedding even a bit of weight through diet and exercise can sync up periods, fertility, and health. A little goes a long way.

Food Focus: Lean proteins, good fats, and fiber are the stars of your anti-inflammatory diet, upping insulin sensitivity and aiding weight loss.

Exercise Champ: Regular aerobic and strength workouts, lasting around 30 minutes most days, take the spotlight. They’re your PCOS allies, aiding fertility, insulin sensitivity, and mental health.

Stress Soother: Yoga, meditation, or counseling make their entrance, soothing stress’s impact on PCOS.

Smoke Signals: Quitting smoking steals the show, reducing health risks linked to PCOS like heart disease and cancer.

With the right treatment and lifestyle changes, you’re all set to reclaim control over PCOS symptoms and dial down long-term health risks. Tailor the strategy to suit you, and remember, PCOS can be tackled. With proper management, you’ll be living your best life despite the challenges.


As you wrap up your journey through PCOS, arm yourself with knowledge. Collaborate with your healthcare partner to design a personalised treatment and lifestyle plan. Every day, make choices that compose a symphony of wellbeing, nurturing relationships, curbing stress, and embracing self-care. Despite PCOS’s complexity, many women go on to enjoy successful relationships and pregnancies. Keep your ears open to fresh research and advocacy resources that empower you to shape your life. Armed with determination and strategy, PCOS’s hurdles will transform into stepping stones to success.


By Anna Haotanto

Anna Haotanto is the Founder of Zora Health and a passionate advocate for women's empowerment. Anna's personal experiences with egg-freezing, PCOS and the challenges of fertility have fueled her mission to provide high-quality information, financing, and support to help women and couples navigate their fertility journeys with confidence. She is also recognised for her achievements in finance, entrepreneurship, and women's empowerment, and has been featured in various media outlets. You can also follow her on Linkedin or Instagram.

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