Zora Health

Ensuring Safety in Fertility Treatments: A Guide to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Regulations and Accreditation

Are you considering assisted reproductive technology (ART)? If so, understanding ART regulations and governing bodies is crucial.  From the fate of unused embryos to donor anonymity, ART comes with ethical issues. This is where regulations come in. They aim to protect you by ensuring your journey is successful and ethically sound. Moreover, they ensure that… Continue reading Ensuring Safety in Fertility Treatments: A Guide to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Regulations and Accreditation

Understanding and Dealing with PCOS: Your Ultimate Guide

As a woman, looking after your overall health is crucial, and reproductive health plays a big part. But issues like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can make things complex. PCOS is quite common among women of reproductive age, yet it’s often tricky to manage due to its frustrating symptoms. If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or… Continue reading Understanding and Dealing with PCOS: Your Ultimate Guide

Fertility Treatment Regulations in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand

Understanding the fertility regulations in different countries is crucial for individuals seeking fertility treatments. In this article, we’ll delve into the regulatory landscapes of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, offering a comparative analysis. Legal Framework: Singapore has a well-defined legal framework with strict regulations on surrogacy and age limits. Malaysia relies more on medical guidelines and… Continue reading Fertility Treatment Regulations in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand

Retrieving the Best Eggs: The Science of Egg Retrieval Process

Are you looking to extend your family planning timeline? Egg freezing provides the freedom to hit pause on your biological clock. Unsurprisingly, egg freezing is more popular today than ever before. According to the CDC, the rise has been dramatic, from 32,180 frozen eggs in 2011 to 129,692 in 2020. This interest is also reflected… Continue reading Retrieving the Best Eggs: The Science of Egg Retrieval Process

Comprehensive Nutrition & Fitness Plan To Prepare For Fertility Treatments

We’ve crafted an accessible nutrition and fitness plan tailored for individuals on the fertility journey, be it IVF or egg freezing. By following some of these steps, you can potentially enhance egg health, alleviate symptoms of PCOS, regulate ovulation, bolster sperm count and motility, facilitate conception, and elevate your overall fertility. Here are some essential… Continue reading Comprehensive Nutrition & Fitness Plan To Prepare For Fertility Treatments

After Egg Freezing: The Thawing and Fertilisation Process

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 in 6 adults face infertility challenges. So, starting your path to parenthood with egg freezing is a hope-filled journey. At the same time, you’re part of a growing trend. The global egg-freezing market has a whopping USD 3.9 billion valuation in 2022. This will likely grow to… Continue reading After Egg Freezing: The Thawing and Fertilisation Process

Cost Breakdown of Egg Freezing in Singapore

Deciding to freeze your eggs is a significant and personal choice, providing a strategic approach to safeguarding reproductive potential for the future. Individuals may opt for egg freezing due to various factors, including medical treatments that may impact fertility, a desire to delay family planning for personal or career reasons, or other circumstances influencing fertility.… Continue reading Cost Breakdown of Egg Freezing in Singapore

Understanding the Success Rates of IVF: Clinic and Age Factors

Are you among the millions carrying the silent hope of parenthood? You’re not alone in this journey. Instead, 48 million couples and 186 million individuals worldwide struggle with infertility.   Understandably, hopeful parents go through over 2.5 million IVF cycles every year. In Singapore alone, people went through 7100 cycles in 2015. This number rose to… Continue reading Understanding the Success Rates of IVF: Clinic and Age Factors

Categorized as IVF

The Role of Genetic Screening in IVF: Benefits and Limitations

The Role of Genetic Screening in IVF: Benefits and Limitations

Did you know that most IVF miscarriages are due to genetic abnormalities? Imagine going through the ups and downs of IVF, only to fail. A research studied 2172 IVF miscarriages. It found that an astonishing 46.11% had abnormal genetic material. Likewise, genetic abnormalities caused 83 out of 198 IVF in another study. Shockingly, 90.4% of… Continue reading The Role of Genetic Screening in IVF: Benefits and Limitations

Common Egg Freezing Side Effects and How to Manage Them

Choosing to freeze your eggs is a huge decision in your reproductive journey. But did you know 37% of women reported that the procedure changed their life? All because they weren’t aware of its side effects. That’s not all; a staggering 64% of women over 37 years wished they’d taken the step sooner. Thus, it’s… Continue reading Common Egg Freezing Side Effects and How to Manage Them

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