Zora Health

Your 5-Minute Guide to Egg Freezing in Singapore

Looking to freeze your eggs in Singapore? Discover the latest legislations from MOH to decide if you’re eligible for it and if this is the right fertility treatment for you.

“Do It, If You Have The Means” – Samantha Hum’s Reflections On Egg Freezing And Her Advice For Women

Samantha’s journey into the realm of egg freezing is a fascinating narrative that reflects the growing need among women who desire a safety blanket for their future family planning.  The vivacious entrepreneur and actress’s decision to freeze her eggs stems from her desire for a safety blanket. Since she does not feel entirely ready to… Continue reading “Do It, If You Have The Means” – Samantha Hum’s Reflections On Egg Freezing And Her Advice For Women

Genea: One of the Go-To Fertility Clinics in Thailand for Singaporeans 

With private fertility treatments costing upwards of S$10,000 for a single cycle of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and queues at public hospitals being as long as several months up to a year, it’s no wonder that most Singaporeans are looking outward of our little red dot for affordable options.  That’s why Genea is the go-to… Continue reading Genea: One of the Go-To Fertility Clinics in Thailand for Singaporeans 

Sunfert International – Where Expertise and Affordability Meet

The demand for fertility treatments in Singapore has been rising steadily in recent years. According to a Straits Times article published in 2024, roughly “10,500 cycles of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments were carried out in Singapore in 2022.” The Ministry of Health observed that this was an 81% increase from a mere 5,800 cycles… Continue reading Sunfert International – Where Expertise and Affordability Meet

Retrieving the Best Eggs: The Science of Egg Retrieval Process

Are you looking to extend your family planning timeline? Egg freezing provides the freedom to hit pause on your biological clock. Unsurprisingly, egg freezing is more popular today than ever before. According to the CDC, the rise has been dramatic, from 32,180 frozen eggs in 2011 to 129,692 in 2020. This interest is also reflected… Continue reading Retrieving the Best Eggs: The Science of Egg Retrieval Process

After Egg Freezing: The Thawing and Fertilisation Process

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 in 6 adults face infertility challenges. So, starting your path to parenthood with egg freezing is a hope-filled journey. At the same time, you’re part of a growing trend. The global egg-freezing market has a whopping USD 3.9 billion valuation in 2022. This will likely grow to… Continue reading After Egg Freezing: The Thawing and Fertilisation Process

Cost Breakdown of Egg Freezing in Singapore

Deciding to freeze your eggs is a significant and personal choice, providing a strategic approach to safeguarding reproductive potential for the future. Individuals may opt for egg freezing due to various factors, including medical treatments that may impact fertility, a desire to delay family planning for personal or career reasons, or other circumstances influencing fertility.… Continue reading Cost Breakdown of Egg Freezing in Singapore

Gaining Control Over Her Fertility: Bevelry Wee’s Reflections On Egg Freezing

Like many women today, 34-year-old Bevelry found herself at a crossroads between growing her career and the desire to have control over her fertility and biological clock. Her journey into egg freezing wasn’t born overnight but was a decision that matured over the years. The real estate agent first contemplated the idea of egg freezing when… Continue reading Gaining Control Over Her Fertility: Bevelry Wee’s Reflections On Egg Freezing

Karin Del Rey’s Egg Freezing Choice: Navigating A Changing World

After two long years of life being at a standstill due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Karin Del Rey embarked on a unique journey of self-discovery when she decided to freeze her eggs. Her story transcends the medical procedure, illuminating personal empowerment and choice in a world of opportunities and change. At the time when Karin… Continue reading Karin Del Rey’s Egg Freezing Choice: Navigating A Changing World

Common Egg Freezing Side Effects and How to Manage Them

Choosing to freeze your eggs is a huge decision in your reproductive journey. But did you know 37% of women reported that the procedure changed their life? All because they weren’t aware of its side effects. That’s not all; a staggering 64% of women over 37 years wished they’d taken the step sooner. Thus, it’s… Continue reading Common Egg Freezing Side Effects and How to Manage Them

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